Saturday, September 29, 2007

House Day

On Friday (September 28), we had House Day!! This is my 7th House Day... I was a little disappointed though because I didn't get to try the Dance Dance Revolution event!! :( Oh well... hope they have it next year! :P Besides that, I had fun haha... They should've made it the whole day though instead of two periods of school, two periods of House Day... it's not as fun that way. No one wanted to go to Accounting class after the conclusion of House Day (sorry Mr. Stephens, it's not you, it's the idea of going to work again after playing!!)... Well, hope they jazz it up and make it better for next year!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Symphonic Band...

Today was our first meeting for the symphonic band.. I haven't played my flute the entire summer!! I was surprised that I could actually remember how to play the instrument :P Turns out all the practice I had in the past at school since grade 7 paid off haha...
I hope there are more flute players in the band, 'cause right now, there are only two players including me.. any mistake either one of us makes would be extremely evident in a performance... (Where are all the grade 11 and grade 12 flutists when you need them...?)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Food For Thought

Normally, I would've looked at this meal and thought "the typical lunch cafeteria food: rice with goo". But then, for the first time, I started to think about the many other people in the world who would kill to get a meal like this. A Global Outreach announcement even stirred thoughts of the people I saw during my trip to South Africa who lived in rusty, tin shacks the size of three people huddled together. Then I thought to myself, that I shouldn't be this picky with food, and plus, be happy that I even get to eat a meal like this. I finished the plate before I left the cafeteria.

Fire Drills

This is a picture of a fire drill we did at school on Tuesday, September 18th... it's odd sometimes that we think fire drills as something "fun" because we get to miss some class.. but in reality, an actual fire drill could mean that someone is really suffering from any dangerous element of fire...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Media Arts Class - Assignment 2

Doesn't this look pro? ^^ But really, it's not as hard as you think!! :P We did this in Media Arts class today on Photoshop through a tutorial on blending and layers.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fun With Cameras

After doing this Media Arts Timeline Project, I realized that bringing a camera into a classroom isn't a really great idea... especially when you're not watching over it carefully...
In a matter of seconds, someone in the class snagged the camera and took random pictures, sometimes without me noticing!! Then I would check the camera later to find some extremely weird-looking pictures in my memory card that I had no memory of taking...
So now, I have to hide the camera away from everyone so that they don't do another crazy taking-picture spree.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Media Arts - Picture In a Picture Tutorial

Following the "Picture In a Picture" Tutorial, we played with a high resolution picture to create the image to the left using Photoshop in Media Arts class today! :P

Visual Arts Class

This is just something I made in my Visual Arts Class with magazine cut-outs and glue (I called it "Sunset Horizon" ...). We were to incorporate a profile into the picture, such as a low horizon or strata. In the case of the image, it has a high horizon profile.

In general, Visual Arts Class has been especially fun, considering it was such as small class (I've never been in such a small class of only 8 people (including the teacher).) As well, since I do enjoy art, it is something that I look forward to every week.