Saturday, November 24, 2007

right to PLAY

Last Wednesday, a group from the Right to Play foundation came and entertained us for an afternoon. It was supposed to be training for an event later on in the school year involving all of the Grade 10s to organize a fun day for kids from Willowpark and Firgrove Public Schools. We learned to play exciting, active games with large groups of people by playing the games themselves. 

For me, it wasn't entirely too entertaining an event as I had gone over most of the topics they covered in a Leadership Camp I did in the summer of 2006. (In fact, my camp introduced "better" games than the ones we learned to play and carry out at the event on Wednesday...). 

Nevertheless, I had a good time that Wednesday and I am not against the cause that the foundation is following, as it is only the "right" thing that we should help others in the world who are in need of help. As well, kids growing up without the ability to play is like listening to music without sound. You cannot listen to music without sound, just like a kid cannot live without being able to play.

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