Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Do you understand any of this?"

I often get asked this question when listening to music of other languages than my own, such as Japanese or Mandarin. But then again, if music was just plain lyrics, wouldn't that make it plain literature and poetry? Music is nothing without the melody in most cases. And even if I do not understand the language, I can learn it if I wanted to. I am currently learning Japanese out of a book I found in my house. Although the process is slow, I get much enjoyment out learning the language. And, to go further one step, even if I didn't learn the language, I could find out what the words meant by searching through the internet.

(The song on my iPod by the Japanese Indie band, MONKEY MAJIK, is written as Sora wa Marude (pronounced Sawla wa Mahludeh), which means "The Sky Is So...". )

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