Sunday, October 28, 2007

Grade Rep Speech + Vote For Me !

Last Tuesday, I made my speech for being Grade Rep... I didn't know why, but I felt very nervous when I walked up to the stage to deliver the speech. Probably because it wasn't "good" compared to the other candidates' speeches. Also, maybe because I was a boring person myself :P . (Seems like the eight sessions of Toastmasters Public Speaking was all for naught ... haha...) Well.. hope everyone did vote for me at school =D. I really hope to be Grade Rep this year... haha...

Just want to clarify on the idea I proposed as I've had complaints as to not understanding a word I said.. Here's the "Poster Concept".
1) A problem is proposed. It is delivered to the audience (the entire grade) for opinions and solutions.
2) All candidates are to jot down their opinions and solutions onto any area of a large white piece of paper (poster) in any expressive way (e.g. writing, drawing).
3) The finished poster is hung up at meeting area for the entire year for reflection on whether the problem has been solved by the end of the year, or if anything has happened towards positively solving the problem.

1,000,000 THANKS to ALL that voted for ME !!!! XD

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